I managed to get in a 4-mile run AND go to boot camp before coming home to my clean house (Darling David cleaned...love him!). I threw the pizza rolls in the oven and hopped in the shower.
By the grace of God, I was dressed (sweatpants=dressed in my world) AND had dry hair before people arrived. It was a miracle.
Food update:
Pizza roll things turned out awesome. They weren't the most beautiful snack in the world (they're on the blue platter close to the bottom of the picture), but they were gone by the end of the night. Pizza rolls! I am totally making you again.
The yogurt-cheese thing, on the other hand, did not turn out to swell. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that ate any, and it tasted like thick plain yogurt with dill. Yes, I realize that's what it technically was but, COME ON, it was supposed to look like cheese.
Seriously, check out this link. Dilled Yogurt Cheese I'll wait.
See? How pretty is theirs? I had to put mine in a mug to contain it. And, just so you know, my yogurt did not have gelatin in it...I actually checked (and double checked when it wasn't setting up).
Oh well... I'm going to let it go. Mostly because there was PLENTY of other food at the book club that made me drool.
The shocker of the night was that we actually spent a large portion of the time actually talking about the book. Not the norm for us, but still tons of fun!