This has been ongoing drama in the Brady household for a very long time.
See, the Cactus needed a dresser, and David's parents generously offered to purchase one for him. They told me just to pick out what I wanted and they would make it happen.
So, being lazy, I opted for the dresser that "matched" his crib.
Here it is...
We ordered it, and had it shipped to our house because it was only $20 extra (there was a shipping promotion or something) and we don't own a truck.
I figure by the time we borrowed a truck, it would cost us at least $20 in gas and thank-you beer.
Plus the stress of coordinating.
The dresser arrived less than a week later...except it was in pieces. I guess I didn't read the description well, because I didn't realize it was a DIY project.
No worries... I'm handy.
So I ripped open the box and started pulling pieces out.
After I had pulled 4 pieces out, I noticed that 2 of these 4 had damage...the wood was damaged--cracked, scrapped, and just looking shoddy.
So I sent it back and Babies R Us had another one overnighted to us, refunding shipping fees.
The next one arrived, and I started putting it together.
None of the wood seemed damaged UNTIL it was almost entirely done and David helped me flip it over.
(Note: the instructions said to put the piece together upside down.)
HUGE scrape and chunk out of the top front of the dresser.
I don't know how I noticed this...
except it was upside down and sitting on a sheet.
So...I went to a bunch "regular" furniture stores. Everything I halfway liked was either shoddy or over $1000.
No dice.
How totally not cool would it have been to suddenly change my mind and want a piece of furniture significantly more than first one I told them about?
Not cool.
Debra (MIL) came into town and I convinced her to go to Babies R Us with me and just look around.
We found this...
It was only about $75 more than the first one I liked,
but seemed like WAAAY better quality.
So I went home and called Babies R Us (because the store didn't know about my drama) and explained the situation.
They agreed to give me a significant discount AND free shipping (which was normally like $160)...making the total for this dresser slightly less than the crap-fest I had ordered before.
Until the new dresser arrived.
David and I tore open the box, removed layers of Styrofoam and cardboard to find the top right corner SMASHED to bits.
UNDERNEATH the protective, undamaged Styrofoam.
I almost had a panic attack.
So I call Babies R Us again.
They send us another one.
This one comes, and there's no noticeable damage...except...
The back particle board isn't stapled on.
I call them again.
At this point, we've had 7 different deliveries for this one dresser.
I figure that Babies R Us has spent around $720 delivering and taking away merchandise.
I tell them that I can fix the problem myself,
but feel like I should be compensated.
They give me $40.
And a future coupon for 10%. (Really, only 10%. Cheap!)
So we're keeping this dresser.
Once I get past my bitterness and annoyance, I like it.
I'm not sure if it was worth all the stress,
but it's one less thing on my to-do list.
Did anyone notice the cute hat on the dressers?
It's a tiger hat!!
One of David's law school friends gave it to him--
I've never seen a man so excited in his life.