Monday, January 23, 2012

My freezer

I think the best home purchase I've made has been our deep freeze.  I love it--mostly because I love being able to shop in bulk and store things I've made.
This month, I love it even more... because...
It's full!

From the top down, we have my selection of freezer meals, a bunch of milk (and some coffee), and BEEF.

Yes, beef. 
For Christmas, my parents got us a quarter of a cow.
It is awesome... I am REALLY excited for steak and roasts, and beef in general.

I am also super excited about my selection of freezer meals.  A few girlfriends and I each made a HUGE portion of two different meals, packaged into servings for 3, and traded.  I have 10 different ready-made meals with one bigger cooking day.  Last night we had quiche...totally yummy and not something I normally would have made on my own.

I'm pretty sure next month I'll heavily focus on beef for my meals :)

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