Wednesday, July 8, 2009

By no means a guard dog...

My Maggie Roo is most assuredly a scardy-dog. She's a darling baby that I love dearly (yeah, I know...creepy dog lady), but would never ever be a protector :)

She had a new fear...brooms and vacuums. I can understand the vacuum thing because of the noise, but the broom just boogles me. Last night David was playing a game with her where he stood in the stairway and called Maggie up from the basement....when she got halfway up the stairs, he waved that terrifying broom in her face she sprinted back down. This lasted for about 10 minutes before I interrupted and saved by baby from a horrifying fate.

So...later on, David started cleaning the floors (it's his job and he's doing a bang-up job). He was using vacuum and Maggie was hiding in the bedroom as I was putting clothes in the closet. He came rumbling in and edged up on her dog bed, totally forgetting Roo-Bear's crippling fear.

Apparently, Maggie had a panic attack. She hurled herself off her dog bed, over the night stand, and onto the bed. It would have been flawless had her paw not caught the lamp during her short flight. The lamp shattered...but no blood lost.

Poor Maggie Roo.
Oh and here's our new house... I love it.

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