Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Grand Cayman!

I'm back, with my developed under-water camera, to talk about the rest of our vacation.

In Grand Cayman, we opted to do an excursion called Sea Trek.  Basically, you put on some old-school looking scuba helmets and walked underwater.  It was FANTASTIC!  The battery on our camera died just before going down, so there aren't many pictures.  However, it was definitely one of the highlights of the trip.  We drove out to the middle of the ocean, climbed down a 30 foot ladder, and spent an hour walking around coral.  How cool is that?

After Sea Trek was over, we had enough time left on land to journey out to Sting Ray City.  We went on a cheap tour, so it's wasn't as fancy of a trip as the time Mom and Dad took us.  Still cool though.

Here are the underwater disposable shots :)

Not a bad time, even though David got bit.  Poor David :)

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