Friday, August 21, 2009

Honeymoon--Day 3

Day 3 of our honeymoon was our first a spot called Progresso. Yep, just like the soup. David and I had signed up for the Corona Beach Break, which promised unlimited Corona and "Mexican Snacks."

We were excited to leave for our day, and took the required nerdy picture while waiting in line.

That, my friends, is where disaster struck. Some sweet girl noticed us taking pictures utilizing David's long arms and offered to take one for us. David handed her the camera, but the camera strap got caught in his watch band...CRASH, SMASH, BOOM, BANG. No more camera.

I pouted. The family of the girl offered to buy us a new camera, but we said that it was no one's fault...even though I was secretly already blaming David (don't worry, we made up).

So we get to the beach...and I'm sad we don't have a camera. I make David take a long walk down a scary street so we can buy a disposable camera. On the way back, I buy this pretty dress, which I'll probably wear to our home-town reception once I get too hot for the wedding dress.Then, we hang out in the beach bar for a while until I can fake a good attitude about my destroyed camera. Le sigh.
David's good moods never take him! Anyway, after a few Coronas and a bunch of Miami Vice's (whatever those were, they were yum-o!), I was ready for the beach.
Picture time!
So, after swimming, we rode the bus back to our dock...and remembered that we're in love.
Ahh, aren't we cute ?

Embarrassing we were getting on the bus, some guy in the front row started talking to me. I swear he said, "Did you get hammered?" To which I responded, "Um, a little." I mean, seriously, that's not really a kosher thing for a stranger to ask, right? David stayed up in the front of the bus and continued to talk to him, which I thought was weird. Turns out, it was the same man whose daughter broke our camera...and he actually said, "Did you get a camera?" Yipes. I guess a day of Corona didn't have a good impact on my hearing. I didn't mean to be rude!

Back on the dock, we had some time to kill before getting back on the boat. So, obviously, we shopped!
Apparently, we ran by the same guy who I was rude to on the bus, and didn't realize who they were again. Terrible!!! But they approached David (who had proven to be the nicer of our duo) and gave him a disposable camera they purchased for us. Man, I wish I had been nicer to them...even though I was rude totally on accident!!
Anyway, David decided that his mission for this trip was buying a Mexican Wrestling Match.
The first one was a smidgen too small.
And here is the winning mask! What do you all think?
I liked it...tee hee
Before getting back on the boat, we decided to go ahead and buy a new camera at the duty free store. It wasn't exactly a purchase we had planned, but I wasn't about to be without a camera on our honeymoon. Thank goodness for our generous friends--we put the gifts of cash to good use!
More pictures in the mask...
And of the boat...

Testing out the camera on some more mask pictures...but we had to stay in our stateroom because we was cautioned that wearing the mask on the boat would be a

Since we were excited to have a new camera, we took more ridiculous dinner pictures. Our poor table neighbors!
And, finally, our friend that greeted us at bedtime. I think it's an elephant...cute!

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