Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I don't know how they run in London.

The fog here has been overwhelming. Right before I left on my run today, I tried to take a picture outside so you all could see what it was like.

I'm sure some setting was wrong on my camera...but, seriously. Look at this. Can you believe that? Our front porch is wet and slippery.
Anyway, my run was a little rough-- I had a hard time catching my breath. It probably had something to do with the humidity being about 100%.

I don't know how people train for and run things in really humid climates. In weather like this, I am such a baby. Whine, whine, whine.
But I did my 5 miles. I started a bootcamp a few weeks ago that's on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my legs are still pretty sore on Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm hoping that it's going to turn into added strength (not soreness) any day now.
I started reading this new diet book (The Beck Diet Solution for Life)'s more of a cognitive technique to learn to eat healthily. Anyway, I'm really liking it, but one of the things you're supposed to do is weigh yourself every single day. The whole theory behind this is that we put too much emphasis on these numbers and allow our whole mentality to be swayed by ups and downs on the scale. In weighing every day, it's supposed to desensitize yourself to the number AND allow you see the impact your actions (salt, etc) make the next day on the scale.
I struggle with that sometimes. It's bizarre to see how much my weight can shift from day to day. For instance, I'm 2.6 lbs lighter today than I was yesterday.
There are a ton more steps in this book....I'll try to mention periodically how I'm liking it.

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