Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Recap!

Saturday was Law School Prom...more officially known as Barrister's Ball. I call it prom...because, seriously, prom is the only reason I'll ever wear a prom dress, and we all know it.

It was a great time...full dinner, open bar, and dancing. For some reason, I only took three pictures all night. Lame-o. Luckily, I noticed this morning that some people have already added a bunch of pictures to facebook. You can stalk David or me there and see how pretty we were.
Anyway, I was really proud of my dress. I paid TEN DOLLARS for it WAAAAAY back in the summer. A good deal is like a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.
Come on...TEN DOLLARS!
The dress ended up being a smidgen too big (I tend to buy too big when I'm buying for distant-future events. It's driven by fear), so I just safety pinned it to my bra and called it good.
Yes, I'm class all the way. I'm pretty sure I told everyone I knew about the safety pins. I probably showed a few girls. Weird things make me proud of myself.The night was good. David and I opted not to spend $150 for a hotel room (we're paying a mortgage, people) so my darling friend Martha agreed to pick us up. It's all about safety. That is a good friend...she doesn't even live in St. Louis and was STILL willing to drive us home after midnight.

And, she stopped at Taco Bell. Because we begged her.

Oh Taco Bell. I love you. I hate you. You are the reason my self-imposed daily weigh in was no fun Sunday OR today. But...secretly, and especially after an open bar, I love you, Taco Bell.

Sunday, I spent most of the day cleaning and doing laundry. Somehow our house had destroyed itself over the week. It was bad, friends. I also managed (against all odds) to go on a run. I would have bet dollars to donuts that a run would have been PAINFUL, but it wasn't too bad. I ran a 8:27/mile. Woo hoo!
Does anyone know what dollars to donuts actually means? I have no idea.

Today is Stacy at work's 40th birthday. In our conference room (where we all eat lunch), this is waiting.

Oh and wait, it's also crock-pot this is on the other side of the room.
Oh lordy. We'll see how much resolve I've got in myself.

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