Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Time Is Here... Happiness And Cheer...

I decorated for Christmas.
I am happy. That's my first adult-type Christmas tree...complete with presents. David wanted to have a black and gold tree...but I vetoed that. Once we get a nice tree, this one can move to the basement and be whatever color my darling wants. For now, it's teal and silver....with personal ornaments added on.
Oooh happy.
I also made (yes, made) this door decoration. I ideally wanted it inside the storm door, but all those balls were a little fat to fit in that area... so they're outside. But I love them. Seriously--it's a bunch of balls, an old wire hanger, and a ribbon (that I stole from the tree).
Happy happy happy.
I'm also still holding off on joining a gym. The weather took a turn for the worse on Wednesday...forcing me to run 5 miles in the freezing rain, but so far so good. We'll see how long I can deal!

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